Sell to Us


  • Before any offer is presented, a comparative market analysis will be conducted on the home by a licensed real estate agent at Canvas Forum in an effort to help identify a value range for the home. Homes used to compare to your property will be as similar in size, age, bedroom count, bathroom count, etc. as possible, and will be paired with a walk through by one of our agents to determine the condition of the home. Each of these steps will be utilized to present an offer price that takes into account no repairs needing to be made by the seller, no title-related closing costs to be paid by the seller, and free of commission owed to Canvas Forum.

  • Ideally, though we understand that certain situations may prohibit. An agent can reach out to discuss this, if it arises, on a case-by-case basis.

  • From a repairs standpoint, no. We do ask that personal belongings intending to be retained be removed prior to closing though to avoid any unintended holdover period.

  • No. Everything will be strictly accounted for in the offer provided, which will also be explained at the time of presenting it.

  • Yes. Our agents maintain strong relationships with local wholesalers and rely on their grassroots efforts. Please reach out and let us onboard your property to our exclusive buyer network.

  • We work to make it a smooth process and transaction no matter who is involved. With a Realtor and wholesaler, we’ll commit to keeping lines of communication direct to the Realtor or wholesaler so that relationships are maintained and transactional matters aren’t confused.